Friday, June 22, 2007

Taxes for All

I really never thought about how tax was introduced or started. I was impressed that the the colonists stood up for "Taxation without representation". I thought the colonitst were kinda like puppets, listening to everything the British said. But this proved me wrong. This is what people should be commended for. Standing up for themselves.
I never knew that Women had a say back then. I had always heard that they really had no voice until they were able to vote. Women had control on what they bought and used. Women decided to make clothes and wore them to show that they did not need the clothes for Europe.


Carlos said...

I would like to hear more about the influence women had on revolutionary figures, because as though I'm sure women had much influence in pre-revolutionary America, I'm pretty sure they were still kept in the closet as far as political decision-making was concerned.

Tai Edwards said...

Great questions about women's roles in early America. This will be a topic we discuss throughout this week.